jueves, 21 de noviembre de 2013

Scandinavian Cultural Food

Warning, this article may include pictures that can make you hungry!
We've talked about really world-wide common plates for example Spanish food: Gazpacho, Paella, and Mexican food like: Quesadilla, burrito and taco. Today we are going to talk about a different culture-type food. This food is not really that common in different countries but still its a common cultural plate. Today we are talking about Scandinavian food. We will be focusing specially in three traditional Scandinavian plates. They are: The Danish apple cake, Pebbernodder and Sandpakkels. The Danish apple cake contains cinnamon, butter, whip cram, sugar, and apple sauce that contains sliced apples. It also contains crumbs and basically the Danish apple cake is a normally eaten for dessert and it is also decorated with red jelly. The Pebbernodder is another Sandinavian dessert that contains flour, butter, vanilla, sugar, white pepper, and chopped almonds. This are formed into roles with about 1/2 inches in diameter. The Sanbakkels are also a scandinavian dessert that include butter for the softness, shortening, sugar, eggs and flour. They have a shell-like form. This Skandinavian desserts are world-wide known but not as much as the Spanish or Mexican food.

This is the Danish Apple Cake:

This are the Sandbakkels:

This is the Pebbernodder:


. N.p.. Web. 21 Nov 2013. <http://library.thinkquest.org/J001272F/folklife/recipes/recipes.htm>.

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8356/8266886344_6f0c63e28c_o.jpg google images

http://www.handsoccupied.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/sandbakkels5.jpg google images

http://www.odlums.ie/wp-content/uploads/images/DanAppCak.jpg google images

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